Friday, April 17, 2009

Man VS Media

This week the world experienced one of those historical moments that will be written in many books and read by our descendants in their history lessons. Maybe with a tittle: Of how CNN became conventional media, and ONLINE became unstoppable, and real.

Ashton Kutcher gaining 1 million twitter users before CNN is, at least, telling us:
  • The power and capacity of the online community is greater than expected. Is a lot greater, and real, than most of the world expected (those who thought mass media could win a cause to the online community... jejeje... in a world where anything is possible).
  • For those surprised, it raises questions on how easily democracy by referendum could be put in place, as well as how little organization is required to gain collective action (i.e. elections), and who exactly are you friends with, and collecting their opinion from.
  • But mainly, that a very fast, plural, free space, open to all people who want to access, and getting from it exactly what they where looking for (best if using Apple, really), cannot be beaten by bureaucratic efficiency, and conventional ideas.
Online is now:

1 comment:

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